Monday 8 August 2016

Costum Rom : Merah Putih Os (Rom MPOS)


- Indonesia banget
- Dual 3G
- N UI style
- Rounded Corner
- Battery saver
- Ram Booster
- Blur Expanded
- Night Mode Switch (Settings & Mms)
- Gesture Anywhere
- Circle Sidebar
- List View Animation
- Signal Icon & Color style
- Navibar with option height
- Navibar Icon & Color style
- Dinamic System Bar
- Custom background LS
- Recent RAM bar
- Battery bar
- Simple Battery Icon & Color style
- Dolby DS
- Heads Up
- Quicklaunch Expanded
- System app remover
- LCD density changer
- Auto start
- Font changer
Link Rom :
Google Driver :…/0B1b_lvy0nlLaY0pLV1lMN29Oa…/view…
Mega :…
Dropbox :
Fix Rom Font :
Google Driver :…/0B1b_lvy0nlLaVHdrbmkyVDZZZ…/view…
Cara Instal Rom :
Masuk Cwm
- Wipe data
- Wipe Cache
- Masuk ke Advanded Pilih Wipe dalvik cache
- Instal zip
- Reboot
Cara Instal Fix Rom :
Masuk Cwm
-Instal fix
Tata tertib :
- Awal boot pasca instal ROM ada pop up keyboard fc klik OKE z
- Di menu setup wizard "WAJIB" pilih bhs Indonesia ("INI PENTING")
- Bug = Mungkin gak ada, kalau memakai bahasa Indonesia. Aman
Special Credits :
- Endless Sacrifice
Credits :
- Independent Team Developer
- All member groub Lenovo a316i
- Credits selengkapnya ada di menu About Rom (@ ROM)
- Screen Shoot : Ss Sendiri 
Merdeka  !!!

3 komentar so far. What are your thoughts?

  1. maaf gan. ada pembaharuan link yang telah sempurna, adadi grub maaadr atau grub mair dan grub a316i ..

    1. terima kasih atas infonya gan, akan di re update

  2. karena keyboard fc, masih bisa dipake kan keyboadnya ?


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