Sunday, 3 July 2016

NewtonOS 4.2 For Oppo find piano R8113

Newton Os 4.2 by Wahyu Hidayat
link source :
fitur ? buka link source 
cara instal ? gunakan autoport ..
Fiture sama seperti Mediamod

thanks to :
Allah SWT
My Parent & My Family
My Honey 
Wahyu Hidayat (Dev)
Retmono Remon (Porter ke 77)
Para admin & Para mastah _/\_
Kalian semua
Fix Font : Download
Update NOS : Download

4 komentar so far. What are your thoughts?

  1. wah manteb juga nih, ijin nyoba

  2. cantumin kredit.. dan jgn copas post an ane :3 .. hargai sedikit ane lah

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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