Friday 19 February 2016

BBM DELTA v3.1.1

DELTA BBM v3.1.1
Change log :- Setting Full Transparan Background di List Feeds
- Picture background from Galery
- Fix More Layout 

-Auto Night Mode
-Change background
-Icon set
-Primary color
-Accent Color
-Indicator color
-Bubble Style
- Bubble color
-Text  Color
-Text size
-Tint navigation bar and status bar
-Fullscren view
-Block read status
-Private mode/Lock mode
-Hide inbox notification
-Backup restore
-No crop Profil picture
-Hide sponsore
-Tick icon
-Tab layout position
-Navigation icon
-Sliding menu position
-Notification and splat icon color
-Hide FAB New chat
-Emoticon style

* Dhian Rusdhiana
* Trangga Ken
* Rikri Rikardo
* Keysa Khairunnisa
* Dar Wan Di
* Duke Abraham
#Modder :Yoyocx S Praditya Putra

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